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11 votes

How to programmatically distinguish European from non European call sign?

Jim Reisert AD1C regularly publishes various downloadable country files containing an up-to-date list of callsign prefixes with their associated countries, continents, etc. Those files are meant to be ...
Mike Waters's user avatar
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11 votes

What happens if a station did not submit a contest log?

In general, it is not a bad thing to work stations in a contest and not submit a log. In the big popular contests that don't have difficult exchanges, such as the ARRL DX contest or the CQ WPX ...
rclocher3's user avatar
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5 votes

How to log contacts when mobile?

In the USA there is no longer any legal requirement to keep a log. Many HAMs log HF contacts often for use in contests or applying for various awards. There are a few contests and awards for VHF / ...
Jim's user avatar
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4 votes

How to programmatically distinguish European from non European call sign?

The ITU is the international body responsible for the allocation of call sign prefixes to each country. You can consult this table of allocations in order to build the necessary logic in your program ...
Glenn W9IQ's user avatar
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3 votes

Is the time code a way to reduce paper work when it comes to logs?

The FCC no longer requires amateur stations to keep a log. So if you wish to reduce paperwork, a trash can is probably the best piece of equipment to employ. People that keep logs for other reasons (...
Phil Frost - W8II's user avatar
3 votes

Net log and QSO submission question

If you called them, and they called you, that's a QSO. There are some nets arranged specifically to facilitate working a bunch of different people (like WAS nets). If you didn't address a transmission ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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2 votes

When to log a callsign suffix for a QSO?

Here is a referenced from OFCOM's on the subject dated December 2023 [1]: 3.54 At present, whilst the licence references four suffixes, only the use of ‘/MM’ is mandated in the licence. However, many ...
Martin J Levy's user avatar
2 votes

When to log a callsign suffix for a QSO?

The general rule of thumb is to log what you copy. When the sending station submits their log, they should enter what you copied as the "sent" callsign, which should cover you. If you find otherwise ...
Brian K1LI's user avatar
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When to log a callsign suffix for a QSO?

if they say "callsign portable" then it's definitely "callsign/p". The /QRP has no 'real' value "callsign/QRP" is the same as "callsign". In my country (Belgium) according to the law only these ...
ON5MF Jurgen's user avatar
2 votes

FD Battery Stations... How Do You Log?

You can get an inverter that will run a 35W, or even a 65W 120V laptop charger from a 12V source for around $25 at any auto parts store. That won't get you internet, but it will get you all-day ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Can missing QSOs in my contest log adversely affect other operator's scores?

Yes, sending a log with missing QSOs would lead to penalties for those of your QSO partners who are sending a log themselves. There is no way sensible way of "logging" a QSO with incomplete ...
henryflower's user avatar
2 votes

How do you log (or not) "busted" FT8 QSOs?

Using that logic, just exchanging call signs would make a complete QSO. Sorry, but I'm not buying it. If it were me, I wouldn't log the QSO if I didn't get an acknowledgement of my signal report. ...
rclocher3's user avatar
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How do you log (or not) "busted" FT8 QSOs?

Since it is "technically" a complete QSO I log it (in DXKeeper) but don't upload to e-qsl or LotW unless the other party does. If he does, I'll upload: if he doesn't I assume he has it as ...
Dave's user avatar
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How precise should the time be on a QSL card?

"As accurate as feasible", I'd say. There are no hard and fast rules. The nice thing about a paper QSL card is you can write anything you want in the box. Can't remember the time? Write &...
Phil Frost - W8II's user avatar
1 vote

How can I derive mode from a DX cluster spot?

Thus it is easy to get the frequency but the challenge is how to infer the mode from this limited data. I'd say, in general you can't. Band plans often just define general usage ("voice", &...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

What is the minimum legal requirement for logbook keeping in Ireland?

I'm neither from Ireland nor involved in legal issues, so please take this answer with a grain of salt. From the document you had linked I would argue that 'frequency band' can be referred to Annex ...
MagnusO_O's user avatar
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FD Battery Stations... How Do You Log?

I built a voltage booster using a LT1270A for this purpose:
VE3LNY's user avatar
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Net log and QSO submission question

Good Morning, all, There was a time when I was a bit fanatical about logging and confirming a QSO with a QSL. In the 1970s I would use a tape recorder and then log all the mobile contacts once arrived ...
Terrence R. Redding's user avatar
1 vote

How does one log a QSO via a cross-band repeater?

For cross-band satellite contacts, the uplink and downlink frequencies, or at least the nominal frequencies of the bands used, should be logged. Typically the frequencies are both stuffed into a &...
rclocher3's user avatar
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How precise should the time be on a QSL card?

On HF, or for contest QSOs, most hams keep exact logs with times accurate to the minute, so if you were sending QSL cards for HF or contest contacts, then the polite thing to do would be to be ...
rclocher3's user avatar
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How precise should the time be on a QSL card?

As long as you receive the confirming card, you have what you need as a souvenir or to submit for an award. In my experience, online records need to agree withing 15 minutes to qualify for ...
Brian K1LI's user avatar
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How to log contacts when mobile?

I don't know for the rest of the world, but in Russia strictly speaking every ham is obligated to keep a log and store it at least one year after the last logged QSO. The other question is that no one ...
Aleksander Alekseev - R2AUK's user avatar
1 vote

How to use Log4OM with multiple users?

Loading a specific profile is quite straight forward and documented in this setting screen: Source: To configure TQSL to sign with the correct ...
Claus's user avatar
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