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38 votes

FCC sends "Notice of Dismissal" with quite threatening language just for denial of a vanity callsign?

Isn't bureaucracy wonderful? Perhaps I can translate into plain English: Your application is in a dismissal status effective 03/09/2021 without prejudice in accordance with Section 1.934 of the ...
Phil Frost - W8II's user avatar
21 votes

Are Baofeng radios illegal in the U.S?

2023 Update: Since I wrote this answer, there's been quite a bit of FCC enforcement (on importers, not amateurs), and as a result, most new Baofeng radios sold for amateur use in the US in the past ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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19 votes

Are Baofeng radios illegal in the U.S?

They are legal to use, but only on the amateur bands. (Of course, you'll need to get a license first). There was a lot of debate on whether they were legal, but the FCC finally stated that they were. ...
Mike Waters's user avatar
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FCC sends "Notice of Dismissal" with quite threatening language just for denial of a vanity callsign?

I am not a lawyer, so I cannot provide actual legal advice. However, I have dealt with a lot of governmental legalese in the past, so I am perhaps partially qualified to parse the legalese you've ...
Forbin's user avatar
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15 votes

FCC sends "Notice of Dismissal" with quite threatening language just for denial of a vanity callsign?

If you are currently operating under authority provided by the Commission's Rules based on your submission of the above referenced application, you must immediately cease operation until such time as ...
Ryan M's user avatar
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12 votes

Who enacts the FCC's rules and regulations?

There are two different "Title 47"s in play here. Title 47 of the US Code, as referred to by rclocher3, contains laws passed by Congress on the subject of telecommunications. Most interesting for our ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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11 votes

How long does it take the FCC to process vanity requests?

If you submit your application online on a federal workday (Monday to Friday, except holidays), even after hours, it is considered received that day. If you submit your application on a weekend or a ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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10 votes

Does the FCC care about electrical arcs?

Absolutely! FCC Part 15 defines three broad classes of devices: Intentional radadiator. A device that intentionally generates and emits radio frequency energy by radiation or induction. Unintentional ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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10 votes

Do FCC obscenity regulations apply to ham radio transmissions?

§97.113(a)(4) states: No amateur station shall transmit [...] obscene or indecent words or language These are not the same regulations that prohibit TV stations from broadcasting obscene or ...
Phil Frost - W8II's user avatar
10 votes

FCC sends "Notice of Dismissal" with quite threatening language just for denial of a vanity callsign?

This isn't overly harsh, it's overly formal. I get that from the first sentence. My translation: Your application is in a dismissal status We aren't going to give you what you asked for [...] ...
user10489's user avatar
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9 votes

Are there restrictions placed on transmissions in licensed spectrum in the United States?

The FCC issues licenses for a particular service (e.g. broadcast, amateur, land mobile, common carrier, etc.). Each service is regulated by a specific part of the FCC regulations (e.g., Part 97 for ...
WA9ZZZ's user avatar
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9 votes

Is the mode on the band plan chart mandatory?

Yes, the modes in the band plan are mandatory, with some areas of ambiguity, some areas that are under-specified on the graphical band plan chart, and some very limited room for error. For instance, ...
user10489's user avatar
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8 votes

Can you request a vanity call sign when passing the exam?

You will have to be assigned a call sign first. To apply for a vanity, you will need an FCC Registration Number (FRN). The rule is that you cannot receive a vanity call sign from a call sign group for ...
Macuser's user avatar
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8 votes

What are the EXACT rules about FCC vanity call sign assignments?

Your application submitted on February 18th requested two callsigns. One of them was granted to another application submitted on the 16th, and so was unavailable when yours was processed, even though ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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8 votes

How do businesses develop and test amateur radio products in the US if you cannot be paid for amateur radio use?

Two parts to this answer: First, most testing would be done against dummy loads, looking at the results on spectrum analyzers. Such tests should not propagate. Secondly, there's a fine line here. As ...
user10489's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is this requirement in 60m in the US?

Some decades ago, the FCC used to require that US amateurs log every single QSO. And those logging requirements could be somewhat complex, especially for third-party traffic with other countries. It'...
Mike Waters's user avatar
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7 votes

legal - Do FCC regulations only apply in U.S.A?

If you are operating under your US callsign, you typically need to abide by both the rules of the country you're operating in, and the US rules. From ...
user3486184's user avatar
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Transmitting Callsigns

Better double check. There's no requirement to identify at the beginning of a communication (though it's common practice, and was required at one time), only every ten minutes and at the end of the ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Is it possible to comply with FCC regulations using a mode that takes over ten minutes to send a call sign?

Sec. 97.119 Station identification (a) Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand station, must transmit its assigned call sign on its transmitting channel at the end of each ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
6 votes

How do I apply for a vanity callsign online?

Go to the FCC login page. Enter FRN and password and click submit. Click "My Licenses" on the left. Click on your callsign in the list of licenses. Click "Request Vanity Call Sign" on the right. Note:...
Zaz's user avatar
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6 votes

How to get professional or official clarification of FCC Part 97 rules for specific complicated situations?

The ARRL itself is not a law firm, but might be able to refer you to an attorney or lawyer with experience in federal communications law and FCC regulations who can appropriately advise you, and even ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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6 votes

Who enacts the FCC's rules and regulations?

Most of the time that I have heard or read that statement: "It would take an act of Congress..." it is usually referring to an impossible or very difficult act. However, the answer is "no" it does ...
K7PEH's user avatar
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6 votes

Can someone without privileges on a band operate FT8 on it using the callsign of a ham who does and is present?

Apparently, yes. See Part 97, Amateur Radio Service Rules: 97.3.a.47 and 97.115.b. The FCC does not appear to make a distinction as to whether the third party is licensed or not.
timetraveller's user avatar
6 votes

How are secret encodings not a violation of amateur radio regulations?

My understanding is that the AMBE voice codec used by D-STAR, System Fusion, and DMR is secret. That is mostly incorrect. The IMBE/AMBE+2 codec is standardized and documented as part of P25. The same ...
user71659's user avatar
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5 votes

Who should announce the call sign when an unlicensed operator is transmitting?

Yes - they can ID your station. Part 97 does not specify who must identify your station, rather, that it must be done in 10 minute intervals. As a licensee, you are ultimately responsible for all ...
tron's user avatar
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5 votes

Is the Alinco DJMD5 illegal for ham use?

The article is mistaken about at least one thing. It may be illegal to market that radio in the US (I honestly don't care to read the tea leaves to find out if that's true or not, but it's certainly ...
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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5 votes

FCC sends "Notice of Dismissal" with quite threatening language just for denial of a vanity callsign?

IANAL, but I spent a fair amount of my career writing and negotiating contracts. Others have addressed the meaning(s) of the language in the notice, I wanted to address more of the "why is it ...
RBarryYoung's user avatar
4 votes

What does the FCC do with confiscated equipment?

FCC Special Counsel Laura Smith had a speech at Pacificon, a ham conference in the San Francisco area, last October. She said, after the case is closed and the equipment is confiscated they demolish ...
Pedja YT9TP's user avatar
4 votes

Section 15.23 "Home-built devices" No license required... to build? Just to Transmit. But.....?

Part 15 is a very convoluted document. Reading only one section and trying to apply it to a specific case is not a good practice. One section may seemingly grant broad authority but another section ...
Glenn W9IQ's user avatar
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4 votes

legal - Do FCC regulations only apply in U.S.A?

You need to abide the regulations of the country you reside in.
ON5MF Jurgen's user avatar

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