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What is Logbook Of The World or LOTW?

To add to Jim's answer, one of the goals of Logbook of the World is to be a secure system (reference). This presumably was necessary because contacts with some DXCC entities or other stations are ...
rclocher3's user avatar
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4 votes

What is Logbook Of The World or LOTW?

LOTW is a service provide by the American Radio Relay League or ARRL. It started in 2003. it allows a secure upload of your ham radio contacts to an online database. By matching your records with ...
Jim's user avatar
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How to apply for the ARRL WAC award?

The WAC award is an award sponsored by the IARU and administered through IARU's member societies. If you are content with receiving the award in .pdf form to print yourself, the German DARC Community ...
henryflower's user avatar
3 votes

How do I sign up for LotW as a new ham?

Any day after the day your license was issued will work fine. What it's really trying to tell you is that your certificate can't be used to sign any QSO made before its start date.
hobbs - KC2G's user avatar
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Ham Radio Deluxe not importing QSOs from LotW

As the Ham Radio Deluxe User Guide says: "First of all, it's worth pointing out the following - despite its name, Logbook of the World (LOTW) is not a logging platform. It was never designed to ...
henryflower's user avatar
3 votes

Any way to get LOTW "credit" for a paper QSL card?

Yes there is! You have two options, you can either mail your cards to the ARRL for verification, or you could meet up with a QSL Award Manager. Each section has one or more QSL Award Managers who do ...
Joshua's user avatar
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How to apply for the ARRL WAC award?

As @henryflower noted in his answer, Worked All Continents (WAC) is an award sponsored by the IARU, and applications do not necessarily need to go through the ARRL. The basic idea seems to be that ...
rclocher3's user avatar
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