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Questions tagged [swl]

Questions about shortwave listening and similar low-frequency reception activities.

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2 votes
1 answer

What is this weird interference/strange radio station?

When I was checking if my antenna is working properly using, I came upon this: On 4480 kHz, there are some strange noises. You can also see it in the waterfall here. Is it just some ...
John Doe's user avatar
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2 answers

How can AM radio work differently when approaching the true frequency from different directions?

I bought a very cheap world band receiver, Nedis RDWR1000GY. It has MW, SW and FM reception. MW is useless where I live (no MW stations nearby and signals don't propagate far), but I was primarily ...
juhist's user avatar
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Is 6 kHz bandpass filter wide enough for listening to SW broadcasts?

I'm considering buying ICOM IC-718 as a main rig and also to use it for SWL. Read contrasting opinions on the Internet, with an article reviewing dedicated SW receivers saying "That receiver's ...
Alexander's user avatar
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1 answer

Receiving shortwave frequencies from different countries (e.g. North Korea)

This question may be a little strange, but how can I receive radio waves from a country like North Korea (when I live in Poland)? I am interested in this topic, but I don't have that much knowledge. ...
MagicMan's user avatar
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4 answers

What are these serial number pileups on 20m and 40m?

Every so often while shortwave listening I’ll come across a frequency where tons of hams are talking all over each other giving a call sign and a six digit number only (not a QSO). I imagine these ...
Jeremy Gilbert's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How important is the impedance and resonance of a receive antenna?

I'm very new to shortwave radio, as evidenced here: Can an antenna be too powerful for certain receivers? I want to build a longwire receive-only antenna for the HF frequencies. I've been using ...
fishfritters's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

I would like to listen to a red roadster in space

I have been listening for signals (any) of the Space-X Falcon Heavy. Just out of curiosity. And I am wondering if anyone has received any. According to the Falcon-9 User Guide table 4.6 looks like ...
Edwin van Mierlo's user avatar
2 votes
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Signal on various frequencies, about 2.5k bandwidth, sounds like a broken motor turning: What is it?

There are a number of frequencies, where a certain type of signal can be heard. The characteristics is, that every occurrence takes about 2.5k bandwidth, and it is transmitted in a continuous way. ...
DaniZH03's user avatar
0 votes
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DRM standard receiving on shortwave

What's the particularities of receiving SW-broadcasting, that uses DRM standard ? Every SW-receiver can directly receive this kind of signal?
montie's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Are there many analog (AM) shortwave broadcast stations left?

I'm considering hanging a long wire this spring and trying to get my 13 y.o. son interested in radio as a Scouting activity. Has everything gone to DRM these days, or is it worth dusting off my HQ-...
nzc's user avatar
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2 answers

What are some shortwave radio stations I ought to reliably receive in New Hampshire?

I recently bought a Techsun PL-660 radio and it picks up virtually nothing on SW. I fear I may have a dud.
Andrew S.'s user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Minimal info on a SWL QSL

Which is the minimal information I should require to confirm/QSL a reception report I receive ? I know the report must contain my callsign, time, date and band where I was listened. Is it also a ...
joaquin's user avatar
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4 answers

What should I look for in a modern portable shortwave radio?

I'm looking to buy a shortwave to listen to either solely at home or perhaps if possible in a vehicle when traveling. What should I look for when looking them over? I recall many years ago the ...
John Peters's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is this beacon the tail end of a 'Numbers Station' broadcast?

I was recently scanning through the short-wave frequencies and stumbled upon a series of repeating tones, which then cut to classical music and then a woman speaking French (unconfirmed). Later I was ...
Eric's user avatar
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