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Questions tagged [qsl-card]

Questions pertaining to QSL cards, the Bureau system, QSL managers, and/or card checking.

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3 votes
2 answers

G/ in front of a QSL calls sign: SV1ABA

I am indexing my father's QSL call sign cards. I came across a QSL card sign SV1ABA. It starts with a G/. What does the ...
Dr. Anastasia S. Weigle's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do I get QSL cards from the Incoming Bureau?

I'm new to QSLing and want to know how to get QSL cards from an incoming bureau in the USA. I have sent outgoing cards recently and want to know how to acquire the replies. Could somebody describe the ...
AI7OW's user avatar
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1 answer

Any way to get LOTW "credit" for a paper QSL card?

I have some QSOs with hams who will send paper QSL cards but do not use LOTW. I know that if I manage to get a paper card from them I can submit it to ARRL for DXCC credit. But will that QSL show up ...
QuantumMechanic's user avatar
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How to do physical QSL when not operating from your home QTH?

If you have preprinted QSL cards that have your home address and grid square on them, what's considered the most proper way to do a physical QSL exchange for a contact that was made while you were ...
QuantumMechanic's user avatar
2 votes
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Physical QSL card request procedures?

Is there a way to determine whether a station or operator still sends physical QSL cards, rather than only uploading some data online? (or doing nothing at all.) If so, what is the current procedure ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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How does one log a QSO via a cross-band repeater?

When working through a cross band repeater, either the two sides are using different bands or both sides are using two bands at once. At the same time, most if not all logging software (as well as ...
Ivan R2AZR's user avatar
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3 answers

How precise should the time be on a QSL card?

I want to send some QSL cards for contacts I've made while portable/horseback mobile and thus could not have written the details down immediately. I remember the callsigns and reports, and everything ...
Ivan R2AZR's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are there countries where QSLs are required to get or upgrade a license?

I've heard that there are countries where you start as SWL and have to collect some number of QSL cards to get a license. Or maybe there are places where QSLs are required to upgrade a license and get ...
Aleksander Alekseev - R2AUK's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

An exact meaning of S.A.S.E and S.A.E in the context of QSL cards

I'm having little issues understanding what S.A.S.E and S.A.E. mean exactly. The description on Wikipedia is a little bit confusing because it says that it's literally the same. But from the context ...
Aleksander Alekseev - R2AUK's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is Logbook Of The World or LOTW?

An answer to this question on QSL cards refers to something called Logbook Of The World or LOTW. What is LOTW? What is its history? What problem does LOTW solve? (that isn't solved by plain QSL ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is a QSL card?

What is a QSL card? Why would I ever receive one? Why would I ever bother to send one? If so, when? Is it rude not to? Are they postcards sent by physical postal mail, or are they now digital ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
  • 13.6k
2 votes
1 answer

Received a QSL card with signal reports transposed. What to do?

I received a QSL card with the signal reports transposed, at least according to my log of the contact. He says I sent a 44 and that he sent a 55, but I wrote down the opposite in my log. If I send a ...
LaissezPasser's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

QSL cards from shortwave listeners

I received a few eQSL's from shortwave listeners. Should I send an eQSL back or just archive these QSLs? Also, is it possible to receive a paper QSL card from a SWL? UPD: The reason why I asked this ...
Aleksander Alekseev - R2AUK's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What should I put on a QSL card for a repeater contact?

From time to time I'm a new ham's first contact - usually on a repeater. If I want to send the new ham a QSL card, how should I distinguish a repeater contact from a non-repeater contact? Is there a ...
user3486184's user avatar
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4 answers

QSL cards and distance minimums

Newly licensed HAM here. Are QSL cards only exchanged during DX, or could they be exchanged with local contacts as well? How does one request a card? I’ve heard there are bureaus that route cards; is ...
djdy's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What is the easiest way to print data on qsl cards?

I confirm all QSOs via LOTW and eQSL but some people also request QSL cards via bureau or direct. Of course I don't want to disappoint them and I reply 100%. But I find it such a burden to print ...
ON5MF Jurgen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How large should the call of the remote station be on the QSL card?

I have designed my first QSL card but I'm worried that I may have reserved too little space for the call of the remote station. I'm worried that the buro might have trouble with it. However, I see ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Minimal info on a SWL QSL

Which is the minimal information I should require to confirm/QSL a reception report I receive ? I know the report must contain my callsign, time, date and band where I was listened. Is it also a ...
joaquin's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it ethical to accept sponsorship for QSL cards?

We all know that in general commercial activities are not welcome on amateur radio bands. One thing that somewhat related to that came up in a discussion I had with some operators: Is it ethical to ...
AndrejaKo's user avatar
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What information should be on a QSL card?

Like it says in the title. When you design a QSL card (intended for use for both local VHF-and-up contacts as well as international HF contacts), what information needs to be present, and what ...
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