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2 answers

What do the WSJT-X split frequency options actually do under FT8?

Maybe I have this all wrong, but as I understand FT8, we're all communicating within a slice of the band ~3 kHz wide. Within this slice, we each have our own sub-slice, and the location of my slice is ...
user1172763's user avatar
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FT8 not displaying

Why can't I decode the FT8 when using WSJT-X on HF? At first, it decoded one but then, nothing showed up. I didn't change anything. I can still hear the FT8 signals clearly but the software won't ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Why is SNR for FT8 defined using the noise power in the 2500 Hz channel containing the FT8 signal?

I see the term "SNR_2500" is often use to make it clear. Is it useful to use this SNR definition in some contexts? Is this kind of convention used in other digital modes or communication ...
gschro's user avatar
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wsjt-x problems with windows 11 Icom 7300 USB sound hangs

Description of problem: WSJT and JTDX both stop receiving sound after about 2-3 hours when running on Win 11 with ICom 7300. This did not happen with my Raspberry Pi running the same rig. The ...
Peter Burke's user avatar
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Can only use WSJTX in sudo

I am trying to use WSJT-X to make FT8 Contacts on Pop! OS (Ubuntu-based) and with an IC-7300. I entered all the correct settings into WSJT-X, but it could not connect to my transceiver, and WSJT-X ...
owabs's user avatar
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How to determine the problem with my FT8 TX in WSJT-X?

I am trying to QSO on 17m, 20m, 40m, and 160m with an IC-756PRO. I’m using WSJT-X in FT8 mode via a CI-V for CAT control and SignaLink for audio. System sound settings appear correct. Control tests of ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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wsjt-x problems with windows 11

When upgrading from previous version of the windows operating system to windows 11 wsjt-x stops receiving the output from the radio. What should I look for?
Paul Brennan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is IC-7300 transmitting at zero power in "Rig" split mode with WSJT-X and FT8?

I am successfully running FT8 with WSJT-X on Windows 10 with my IC-7300. I am using IC-7300 as the rig. On reading the official WSJT-X User Guide (and various ...
QuantumMechanic's user avatar
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If WSPR can go further than FT8, why do I only see local WSPR signals?

I've been scanning through the bands using WSJT-X to pick up FT8 and WSPR. Using a VHF discone, I decode messages from nearly 10,000 km away, consistently, when listening for FT8. But when switching ...
directedition's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Should I add call signs with /R suffix to the logbook?

Sometimes in FT-8 mode I receive calls like this one: It happens 2-3 times a week. The problems are: 1) I never could look up such call signs 2) I tried to reply, but never got answer 3) I don't ...
Aleksander Alekseev - R2AUK's user avatar
9 votes
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What does CQ NM mean in FT8?

I saw someone on 20m FT8 this morning calling "CQ NM". What does NM mean in this context? They followed the NM with their call and grid as usual.
vegadoom's user avatar
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Long callsigns in WSJT-X?

During the month of May (2018) a lot of Belgian club stations can use callsigns in the format OT70xxx. (The xxx is always 3 letters, for example our club station uses OT70TRA.) In WSJT-X it seems ...
ON5MF Jurgen's user avatar
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1 answer

What does retain mean in the logging of WSJT-X 1.8.0?

If you have automatic prompt for logging on WSJT-X, at the end, you get this dialog: What does the "Retain" checkboxes do when you check them?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar