I currently operate a 20M half-wave dipole with a balun. It's a little lower than ideal, but it gets me on the air.
I've read about folded dipoles. But I've found contradicting information about them. So here are a few questions:
Does a folded dipole really have "wider bandwidth"? Some sources say "yes" because that's what the textbooks say, others say "no", based on their real wold experience
Is a folded dipole less succeptible to QRM? Would it work better in a city, compared to a regular dipole?
What's its impedance? The theory says it's closer to 300 ohms, but this number can vary wildly and even be much lower. If it's "much lower" than 300 ohms, will feeding it with 300 ohms line have significant loss from mismatch?
What is required to feed it?
Is it a "miracle antenna" that will work in any band when tuned with a suitable balanced tuner?
Is a folded dipole just a waste of time and money, giving diminishing returns over a regular dipole?