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Questions tagged [rfi]

Use this tag for questions regarding RFI (Radio Frequency Interference).

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Checklist for QRO remote setup

In a few weeks I'm hoping to set up a solid state linear amplifier at a remote shack that I've set up at the house of a friend who lives in a rural area. I've been connecting to this shack remotely ...
Jeremy Gilbert's user avatar
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The whole neighborhood's internet drops when I transmit on 40M

I recently built a vertical. It's 6M radiator, a coil, and 1.2M more of radiator. It sits on my roof, which is metal, and acts as a ground plane (GND from the feedline is connected to it). There is a ...
hjf's user avatar
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Strange interference - consistent series of beeps/chrips at frequencies 145-146 KHz apart

I'm new at Ham Radio, in fact still studying for Technician (so I can't transmit) but I purchased a used Icom IC-746, dipole antenna kit and most recently a Hexbeam antenna. The power supply is an ...
David Rouse's user avatar
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Receiving a lot of noise with RTL-SDR and SDR# for GOMX-1

Hi im new to SDR and having issues setting up SDR#. I'm trying to receive from GOMX-1 on 437.25 MHz for a project. My set up is the dongle, a LNA and a self built helical antenna for that frequency's ...
Rob's user avatar
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Any good RF noise "libraries" out there?

Are there any good/useful "libraries" of RF noise out there? I know about but it is pretty limited. (And I wish the screencaps showed the FFT rather than ...
QuantumMechanic's user avatar
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What is this noise on 6m?

I'm trying to figure out what an S8 noise source is on my 6m band. I already turned off all the breakers in my house, and it only reduced to S7.5 noise, so there is a small interference from my home, ...
User5754448's user avatar
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What are the unintentional radiation limits in U.S. HF bands?

What are the radiation limits in U.S. HF bands in terms, not in terms of uV/M, but in dBm or uV levels transmitted though an HF dipole antenna? I assume that if the antenna is connected to a receiver ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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