I am indexing my father's QSL call sign cards.
I came across a QSL card sign SV1ABA
. It starts with a G/
What does the G/
represent? I know SV1ABA
is Greece, but this card is Northwest England Liverpool.
I am indexing my father's QSL call sign cards.
I came across a QSL card sign SV1ABA
. It starts with a G/
What does the G/
represent? I know SV1ABA
is Greece, but this card is Northwest England Liverpool.
There is an agreement between a group of countries (the CEPT T/R 61-01 agreement - described here) that allows radio amateurs from any of the countries in the agreement to operate in any of the other countries - but they have to use their own callsign with the prefix of the country they are visiting as a prefix.
So the QSL you have there is from G/SV1ABA - which is one SV1ABA when they were operating in England (G). If they were in Scotland, it would have been GM/SV1ABA. If from France, it would have been F/SV1ABA. Et cetera.
Maybe someone will correct me on this, but the G/ probably means that SV1ABA was visiting England when he made this contact.
The G prefix is assigned to hams in Great Britain, e.g. G3TXQ.