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Questions tagged [chirp]

For questions about CHIRP, the open-source software for programming (editing the frequency memories of) radios.

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0 votes
1 answer

Programming UV5R with cable

I have 2 of the same model (new) UV5R's, 1 works fine programming and the other I get "Radio did not respond". The cable is all the way inserted and I am following the same steps as with ...
Romtang's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Programming the Baofeng UV-5x3

When using CHIRP to program my Baofeng UV-5x3 I click "download from radio". There is a model "5x" but no "5x3" to choose from. What can I do?
Mark Cambiano's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Programming cable doesn't recognise Quansheng UV-5R Plus

I am trying to program my Quansheng UV-5R Plus with a Baofeng cable. The cable works on my Baofeng, so I know it is OK. I'm told on the website to treat the UV-5R Plus just like a UV-5R but what I get ...
Ian VK3YIC's user avatar
1 vote
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Chirp Driver for Yaesu FTM-300DR

Is there a compatible available Chirp driver for the Yaesu FTM-300DR? I would think of the many other Yaesu drivers available for Chirp, that something is compatable? if there is none, the what are ...
Barry vT's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I program a Baofeng BF-H7 on Linux?

I recently purchased a Baofeng BF-H7, but I am unable to locate support for it on Chirp on Linux. Additionally, WINE does not support the actual software. Are there any Chirp alternatives that I can ...
Jd Holtzhausen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Manually program the ISS freqs and tones into uv5r without chirp software

Wondering if the programming data for communication with the iss can be manually programmed in to a baofeng uv5r without using chirp sofrware.
Gene Stroud's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't run CHIRP on macOS Monterey (12.4)

I'm unable to install both the precompiled binary and the brew cask versions of CHIRP on macOS 12.4. The issues do not seem to be covered by this similar question composed by a macOS 10.x user. After ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Why does CHIRP report "Frequency not supported"?

I have been trying to enter a frequency in CHIRP but every time I do it clears the frequency and issues the message "frequency not supported". I'm trying to program a Boafeng BF-F8HP with ...
Jdog's user avatar
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1 answer

I’m having issues with chirp not uploading the program to my baofeng GT-3WP

I have a baofeng gt-3WP and am trying to program it in CHIRP but the tab that says upload to radio is greyed out and will not respond
Micah Johnson's user avatar
0 votes
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Baofeng UV-9R Software Trouble

I have CHIRP daily-20220103 It works great on my Baofeng BF-F8HP. When I load the Baofeng UV-9R I cannot go to the settings tab. I can get to the memories tab just fine. I decided to load the software ...
SKinnaird's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to run chirp with python3-based system (workaround found now)

Has anyone been successful getting chirp to run on a Linux system that's primarily set up for Python3? I find it's complaining about not finding the serial module, but when I install it with pip (...
Toby Eggitt's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is CHIRP Truncating Names in my .img file?

I have a problem when I am importing a .csv file into an .img file in CHIRP where the memory location names are being truncated in a strange way. In the .csv file, the display properly: And when the ....
Tikhon's user avatar
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I'm trying to connect my Baofeng UV-5R to my 888s, UV-5 receives perfectly but can't send to the 888s. I've tried many things with no success :(

I recently purchased 6 Baofeng UV-5R radios and have been trying to connect them to my 888s radios. I've downloaded Chirp, tried programming the tones into the UV-5 but nothing seems to work. I'm very ...
Alain's user avatar
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BF-888 radios don't work with UV-5Rs on the same frequency

I play airsoft here in Quebec Canada, and I have 2 Baofeng BF-888s that I got a few years back. Now people are mostly using UV-5Rs. I used CHIRP to program my radio to the same frequency used by the ...
Marc-André Bodart's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

CHIRP on Mac in 2021

Has anybody had success in running CHIRP on a modern Mac? I am running OSX 10.15.7 and the download I found for Mac looks like just source code, no app file at all. I'm considering trying a build from ...
Randy L's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Alinco DR-635 programming software

I see that RT-Systems sells programming software and a cable so you can program the Alinco DR-635's internal memory via your laptop instead of through the Alinco's cryptic and hostile user interface. ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
0 votes
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Baofeng UV-82 and DM-860 drivers Windows 7

Currently I'm trying to make my radios (Baofeng UV-82 and Baofeng DM-860) friends with my Windows 7 and Chirp. My computer has only USB ports and no COM; Google adviced the Profilic driver (PL2303/...
DumbStudent2016's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What are the columns URCALL, RPT1CALL, and RPT2CALL in CHIRP?

I'm populating a CSV file to import into CHIRP. In the documentation, there's a list of CSV columns. However, that list doesn't cover URCALL, RPT1CALL, and RPT2CALL. Can anyone tell me what those ...
watkipet's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can I manually programme these FRS channels onto my Baofeng UV5R?

I've been using Repeater Book to manually programme some repeaters in my area, up to fifteen miles. I later started programming some FRS, GMR, and MURS frequencies based on the CSV file that someone ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

CHIRP-programmability of the Alinco DR-635T/E

I am a beginner in ham radio and am trying to program repeater data into my Alinco DR-635T/E VHF/UHF mobile radio. The manual that came with the radio is so poorly written that I could not ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How do I troubleshoot a Baofeng UV-5R that won't receive?

I have a couple of Baofeng UV-5R radios. I have a profile in Chirp that works great on one of them, and I foolishly pushed that profile straight over to a UV-5R without checking firmware versions. ...
Benson's user avatar
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