This is a sort of follow-on question from my tuners in series question.
The problem I am ultimately trying to solve is this:
I am using a manufactured end-fed, half-wave 40m antenna. The manufacturer claims a certain SWR at several frequencies and I am trying to get my actual SWR closer to what the manufacturer claims is possible.
I realize that my conditions won't match the manufacturer's conditions but if I can receive some overall, general guidance on what I can/should do, it would be very much appreciated.
The antenna is horizontal, approximately 19 feet above ground, fed by a 100 foot RG-58X feedline.
As you can see from this spreadsheet, my SWR is consistently higher (with one very odd exception in the 12m band!).
The manufacturer used a RigExpert AA-30 for SWR readings, I used a RigExpert AA-54.
(The 2.85 SWR I measured was drifting between 2.8 and 2.9 so I used the average value).