I have a magnetic loop antenna that takes a long time to tune and of course, while tuning it, I need to be transmitting.
What is the best procedure for tuning on air? I understand I need to check the frequency and identify myself before transmitting, but what if I'm nowhere near resonant when I do this? I'll just be getting louder and louder as I reach resonance, and probably no one heard me calling that I was performing a test initially.
So I guess my first question is, what's the procedure from start to finish for tuning on the air? Keeping in mind, I can't quickly tune with my radio; due to the magloop, tuning is very specific and the SWR is too far out for my radio to automatically fix this. It's a very long process to tune it properly.
Also, is it acceptable to simply put out a carrier signal while tuning? This is definitely more accurate and quick than tuning against a phone transmission, but is it allowed?
I'm located in California in the United States in case this is a locale specific answer.