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Can radio waves be made to travel as or along a particle beam? [closed]

Can a laser be used as an antenna? Can a beam of any type extend transmission distance of an electromagnetic field?
Muze's user avatar
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How do you calculate the field strength at a given distance?

Given this question from the full license exam in the UK: What is the field strength at a distance of 7m from an antenna with an effective radiated power of 100W? in which the answer is: 10 V/m ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
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Calculating Antenna Length on the FCC Exam vs. in Reality

I have seen the following formulas for calculating half and quarter wavelength antennas: Formula for $\frac{1}{2}$-wavelength antenna (in free space): \begin{equation} \mathrm{Length~(feet)} = \frac{...
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