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Questions tagged [icom-ic-705]

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Getting My First Radio(Transceiver) [closed]

I'm a prepper based in Pakistan, currently exploring communication options for grid-down scenarios. My recent discovery of ham radio has sparked my interest, both for preparedness and as a hobby. At ...
avg prpr's user avatar
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How do you hide the waterfall scope in an Icom IC-705 and display just the meters?

I've seen the display in that mode but I'm failing to reproduce it. Any ideas how to hide the waterfall scope entirely (not just make it smaller)?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
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What AGC should I use in an Icom IC-705 when doing FT8 or other digital modes with WSJT-X?

The User Guide for WSJT-X says It is usually best to turn AGC off or reduce the RF gain control to minimize AGC action, but the Icom IC-705 seems not to have an option to turn AGC off, only to set it ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
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How do you turn off AGC in an Icom IC-705?

I can only see options to set it to fast, medium and slow, but not to turn it off. I checked the manual and I can't find it. Am I missing something?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
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Why does Ham Radio Deluxe stops working when I change the AGC setting on my Icom IC-705 radio?

When I start rig control on Ham Radio Deluxe it works as long as AGC in my Icom IC-705 is in medium and I don't change it. If it's in slow it manages to read the frequency, but then it gets stuck. If ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar