Title 47 › Chapter I › Subchapter A › Part 15 › Subpart A › Section 15.23 Home-built devices
§15.23 Home-built devices.
(a) Equipment authorization is not required for devices that are not marketed, are not constructed from a kit, and are built in quantities of five or less for personal use.
(b) It is recognized that the individual builder of home-built equipment may not possess the means to perform the measurements for determining compliance with the regulations. In this case, the builder is expected to employ good engineering practices to meet the specified technical standards to the greatest extent practicable. The provisions of §15.5 apply to this equipment.
You could take a device, that was not marketed as a MURS device and modify it to comply with MURS rules.
Making a device does not require a licence, from what I've read or I couldn't find it. If the device is a DIY device it's a Home-built Device. It depends on the interpretation of "marketed device". Not sure if this has ever been challenged.
So technically. Depending on how the FCC interprets "marketed device" as per section 15.23.
Even if that is not true, you could technically build a radio transceiver from scratch under those pretences and have it comply with MURS and transmit without a license.
I think? I'd rather have someone more knowledgeable chime in. Please? Strictly on FCC rules.
Loophole? Or did I miss a FCC section somewhere?
"This isn't a question about having a license or not to broadcast/transmit." It's a question on whether a build at home is a work around for a device that is normally required by manufactures the be qualified to sell as a qualified MURS device being used as MURS device for personal use as in Section 15.23.