I was listening to a commercial FM radio station on 100.9 MHz, and this intermittent weird sound kept coming through it.
Here is a recording of it. The audio starts at about 15 seconds.
It sounded like some data signal or screeching and beeping interrupted my listening experience, it did so periodically. It sounds like if you accidentally call a fax machine and you get that buzzing and screeching sound.
It was powerful enough to take out the station; I don't know if it was coming from the station itself, or if it was interference from another source. I had problems before with Internet signals getting through.
No other stations that I get have this problem.
I have a single-wire loop antenna that I have to twist to get clearer reception, and a Kenwood digital tuner.
Another observation is that the day was cloudy. I had no problem with reception other than static.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this?