The bcd code for 60 metres is the same as 40 metres. (03 Hex) 0A is the code for 6 metres.
I used a Arduino and monitored the output (HEX on LCD) while winding the radio tuning knob through the whole of the radios frequency range.
Below is a table showing the decoded output for an Australian Model FT-857D
If you look at the Begin / End Frequency you can find the Binary / Hex output for the bands. (ie: 60 metres and 40 metres is Bin 0011 or 03 Hex)
General Coverage
BeginMhz EndMhz BINARY HEX
0.100 0.499 1101 0D
0.500 1.499 1110 0E
1.500 2.499 0001 01
2.500 4.449 0010 02
4.500 7.449 0011 03
7.500 10.449 0100 04
10.500 14.449 0101 05
14.500 18.449 0110 06
18.500 21.499 0111 07
21.500 25.499 1000 08
25.500 32.999 1001 09
33.000 56.000 1010 0A
76.000 108.000 1011 0B
118.000 137.000 1011 0B
137.000 164.000 1011 0B
420.000 470.000 1100 0C