I've installed EchoLink on my Windows machine and on my iPhone, and EchoHam on my Mac.
At the moment, I have the TCP 5200 outbound allowed from any device on my LAN and UDP 5198-5199 forwarding to my Mac and when I go to the EchoLink firewall verification page it says I pass the test and I see EchoHam getting getting to the *PINGTEST*
node. All good.
I then connected to *ECHOTEST*
and I can hear the prompt being read and I can record my voice and hear it played back. So also good.
However, I then connected to the *WORLD*
conference server, which showed 5 connections including me. I didn't hear anything. I waited a while and threw my call out there and still heard nothing.
I then connected to *DODROPIN*
which showed 17 connections (a mix of calls and other conferences). I again heard nothing. (Though I didn't say anything in case there was something going on I couldn't hear.)
I waited a bit and then went over to my iPhone (which is using the relay and not a direct connection so I didn't need to mess with the port forwarding), verified that I could hear the prompt and record and hear playback on *ECHOTEST*
and then went back to *DODROPIN*
. Still heard nothing.
Do I perhaps still have some config messed up? Or is it typical for conference servers to not be generating audio at times even if there are a number of things connected to the server?