Good Morning, all,
There was a time when I was a bit fanatical about logging and confirming a QSO with a QSL. In the 1970s I would use a tape recorder and then log all the mobile contacts once arrived at a destination. Today, I log for personal use, listing all stations that check into a net, thinking if I have to assume net control, I would have a fairly complete list of checkins. However, with the advent of electronic logs that automatically enter your contacts in the online logs such as LoTW, QRZ, HamCall, HamQTH, and Club Log I have noticed some today are like I was in the 70s, and they challenge the log. I seldom file RST, either sent or received when logging net contacts. But it still seems to be an issue for some. I receive requests to correct my log from time to time. I typically write the station back and provide the explanation above. But it is getting more complicated. Again, I log for my personal use.