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natevw - AF7TB's user avatar
natevw - AF7TB's user avatar
natevw - AF7TB's user avatar
natevw - AF7TB
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
15 votes

Why are radio frequency ranges aligned on multiples of 3?

14 votes

FCC tracking of unlicensed FRS/GMRS transmissions

13 votes

Why does ARRL license examination procedure preclude students from discovering what questions they got wrong on licensing tests

13 votes

Is there any legal recourse against unauthorized usage of a private repeater in the USA?

12 votes

What "test transmissions" are allowed above 51MHz?

11 votes

Would a ham license allow me to use an uncertified radio on other (non-ham) bands I have permission to use?

9 votes

What fraction of 2x2 USA call signs are vanity calls?

9 votes

Is ham the only non-criminal/civil broadcasting a person can do that doesn't own a shortwave radio station?

8 votes

dBm signal minus dB

8 votes

What's the difference between "maximum usable" and "critical" frequencies?

8 votes

Can a ham license be used for a job?

7 votes

Do volunteer exam coordinators provide accommodations for applicants with visual impairments?

7 votes

RX antenna and RTL SDR with upconverter ..How to hear something?

7 votes

What is the attraction of vertical antennas for HF?

6 votes

Can I talk 2 Meter VHF across the United States

6 votes

What are these antennas used for?

6 votes

help identifying a vacuum tube

6 votes

What frequency ranges are most common for Amateur radio astronomy and why are most parabolic antennas tuned to such high frequencies?

5 votes

Are there any modes that use pseudo-random noise codes to "amplify" signals?

5 votes

New operator struggling to make a contact

5 votes

How were 1920s hams able to measure megahertz frequency?

4 votes

What parts / procedure do I need to build a UHF receiver that can connect to a standard pair of headphones

4 votes

How does VHF/UHF propagate beyond the expected (radio) horizon?

4 votes

Can you jam jam?

4 votes

SDR with the Raspberry Pi

4 votes

RFID extension cable

4 votes

What is a "feed-through load" and how does it work?

4 votes

What to do when accidental emission can't be given a call sign ID?

4 votes

Will my neighbor's amateur RF antennas effect my own utilities?

4 votes

Dipole antenna using current on outside of coax as intentional radiator?