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3 votes

Can I float an SLA 12v battery at 13.8V forever?

Short answer: yes, it is safe to float a consumer-grade SLA for long periods of time at 13.8V if you don't live in a hot climate. They're designed to slowly vent the hydrogen that's produced (very ...
Clark Thomborson's user avatar
-1 votes

Can I float an SLA 12v battery at 13.8V forever?

There's one more factor to consider: lead acid batteries depend on current flow to keep the plates conditioned. If a battery stands for a long time with little or no current (charging or discharging), ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I float an SLA 12v battery at 13.8V forever?

In addition to the solid answer about the float voltage, you have to consider what happens if the AC power returns when the battery is partially discharged. You can float an SLA battery at 13.8 or 14....
tomnexus's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I float an SLA 12v battery at 13.8V forever?

Lead acid batteries are robust but their use life depends on the level of care built in the system. Float charging at 13.8V (2.30V/cell) is on the high side, which may be okay if your battery is ...
Ryuji AB1WX's user avatar
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