[§97.113][1](a)(4) states: > No amateur station shall transmit [...] obscene or indecent words or language These are not the same regulations that prohibit TV stations from broadcasting obscene or indecent content. However, the above language applies specifically to amateur radio in its entirety. The law does not explicitly state what is "obscene" or "indecent", but the FCC, as the organization responsible for enforcement, has [issued some guidance][2]. [1]: https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=d4b3c60d2d60000a147f885bdee88264&mc=true&node=pt47.5.97&rgn=div5#se47.5.97_1113 [2]: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/obscene-indecent-and-profane-broadcasts