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Questions tagged [winlink]

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What does R5m mean in an APRS entry for a WinLink gateway?

If you look at an APRS description for a WinLink gateway, you'll see something like "144.950MHz 1200 R5m Winlink Gateway". I know that means it's a 1200 baud packet station serving as a ...
N7QB's user avatar
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Vara FM winlink with Kenwood D710g and DRA-50

I'm trying to get this working for the first time on a vhf/uhf radio. PTT is working and it seems to be transmitting, but neither I nor the program can hear any response. I' ve tuned the radio to the ...
Brad Mace's user avatar
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Improving Vara HF speeds

I'm using Winlink with a laptop hooked up to an IC-7300. The registered version of Vara theoretically supports speeds up to 8,500 bps, but I'm seeing speeds more like 700 bpm. Is there anything I can ...
Brad Mace's user avatar
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Why can I connect simplex at 146.52 but not at 145.200 and 147.000? [closed]

I am preparing myself to use Winlink. I am preparing myself to use VARA FM. 145.000 is the Simplex frequency used by our local university (Montana State). It can be used for both voice and digital, ...
Carol Flaherty's user avatar