Questions tagged [volunteer-examiners]

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13 votes
3 answers

Testing blind license applicants

My friend is blind and would like to take the amateur radio license exam. I understand that the question and the four possible answers can be read to them, and that is fine. The one question that we ...
peter's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Do volunteer exam coordinators provide accommodations for applicants with visual impairments?

I am a prospective HAM, and I recently began reading the ARRL's third edition of their Ham License Manual, published in 2014. Anyhow, under WHO CAN BE A HAM ...
HeavenlyHarmony's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why does ARRL license examination procedure preclude students from discovering what questions they got wrong on licensing tests

I got my Amateur Extra ticket some time ago. I was able to discover what my score was (the number of questions I got wrong). However, my examiner was not able to tell me specifically which questions I ...
LCS's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between FCC station and operator licenses?

I an studying for my technician class examination, and I came across this question: What may result when correspondence from the FCC is returned as undeliverable because the grantee failed to ...
KQ4JWT's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Must all three VEs hold the required licence class to "prepare" an examination, or just one?

47 CFR § 97.507 states that: (a) Each telegraphy message and each written question set administered to an examinee must be prepared by a VE holding an Amateur Extra Class operator license. A ...
krzysz00 KF5SOQ's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is my VE status?

I was an ARRL VE years ago. The info about ARRL VEs says that you remain a VE and the only way one will be dropped is loss of license. However, years ago to be a valid VE one would have to have a ...
Herb Robbins's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why do you have to be 18 to be a Volunteer Examiner in the US?

I am a 15 year old ham, and just got my Extra class. I was really bummed when I figured out I needed to be 18 to be a Volunteer Examiner administer. Why do they make that rule?
Skyler 440's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How do I go about taking an exam?

I'm an inactive amateur in D.C. looking to get more involved and studying for the Extra Class exam. The last time I took an exam was decades ago in an FCC office. I read about the volunteer exam ...
Steve's user avatar
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