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20 votes
2 answers

How to detect common-mode currents or “RF in the shack”?

Let's say we already know that if your antenna is not suitably constructed or connected then you can get current on the shield of your coaxial feed line which will flow through the shielding/grounding ...
Kevin Reid AG6YO's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Suggestions for mounting a mini-whip as high as possible

I've ordered two mini whip antennas from Ebay (Russia) for HF and MW. As power lines cross my city property in a L shape - the only way to get away from them is to go up. So I'm hoping that going 5-...
Aaron Kreider's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Running antenna parallel to steel fence: antenna effects and neighborhood RFI

I am moving into a 55+ community, relatively small lots, single story frame and stucco homes in close proximity to neighbors. However, one edge of the lot is parallel to a golf course and has a steel ...
dlowrey's user avatar
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What is the maximum antenna cable length allowed in GNSS application?

I am beginner in designing GNSS receiver design and facing concern while testing the high precision GNSS survey.I am using GNSS survey grade antenna for my GNSS receiver application testing, the ...
BalkisMM's user avatar