Questions tagged [noise-blanker]

Use this tag when the topic is related to true noise blankers that remove short impulses from the input signal, as opposed to noise limiters which are more like AGCs

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4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Yaesu noise blanker (analog IF) and Icom noise blanker (perhaps digital)

What is the difference between the Yaesu (say FT DX 5000) and Icom (say IC 7700) noise blankers? I understood that the Yaesu NB is an analogue one while Icom uses a digital solution.
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18 votes
2 answers

What does a noise blanker really do, and what are the side effects?

Most HF rigs have a noise blanker (NB) feature. It does reduce some types of noise (car ignition noise and such). How does it really work? I've read it has negative side-effects with strong signals, ...
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