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3 answers

Why do most pocket AM radio receivers have shorter (non resonant) antennas

I would like to know why most pocket radios come with a shorter whip antenna of about 20 cm, which is not a resonant one for FM or SW bands. So, how come they work like that?
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4 votes
2 answers

Commercial Loopstick Antenna Manufacturers?

I am an electrical engineer working on a product that needs a loopstick antenna. I had thought that AM radios were so commoditized that I'd be able to find an off-the-shelf vendor. However the closest ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Receiving medium - low frequency CPU signal

I'm trying to listen to the CPU freq's my PC produces (kinda similar to what was done here: I do see a clear signal that comes from the CPU (I know ...
George Lashenko's user avatar
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1 answer

Utility pit MW/LW omnidirectional antenna

I am looking at antennas for a rather unusual application: mounted under a utility pit lid (manhole cover). The goal is to receive commercial MW/LW stations. The antenna has to be attached to the ...
user1211's user avatar
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