Questions tagged [frs]

Family Radio Service, most common "Walkie Talkies"

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17 votes
4 answers

Using my Baofeng UV-5R to talk to walkie talkies

I have a few walkie talkies at home and sometimes I connect my UV-5R to them to talk to them and act as another walkie talkie. At one time, I built a little simplex repeater out of it. Should I not be ...
Skyler 440's user avatar
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FCC tracking of unlicensed FRS/GMRS transmissions

If a transceiver such as the BaoFeng UV-5R is used to transmit over FRS/GMRS frequencies (unlicensed), it is illegal in the United States due to FCC regulations that state that the power must be <0....
J. Taylor's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Options for family short range communication in an emergency

I work in an office building about 3 miles from my apartment. I live in a medium sized city in the US. I have thought about getting a pair of walkie talkies for communicating when the cell phone ...
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