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On KENWOOD TS2000, the CW messages don't record even after the "recording wait" pops up in the display. But the sidetone works fine

I'm working on a miniproject where i'm asked to demonstrate the recording of some signal. I made a keyer connection using a earphone cable to my Kenwood. The Keyer works fine - the sidetone is audible ...
Oviya Sankar's user avatar
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Swapping crystal from HF to VHF in a QRP tranceiver

I am trying to build a short-range QRP weak signal VHF 2m CW transceiver. I found a small circuit that fit my needs, but it was made for use on 40m instead of my target frequency. The circuit included ...
Jayanta Pandit's user avatar
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Best CW Low Cut & High Cut Slope Settings on the Yaesu FT-991A?

I am running a Yaesu FT-991A and am wondering which low and high cut slope settings would be the better to use on CW mode as far as making sure I don't get key clicks. The default menu # 051 = CW LCUT ...
Cliff-KU4GW's user avatar
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how to sink 9-15v under control of 5v or 3.3v pin to 'key-down' transceiver?

I want to use an Arduino to control keying transmission on a simple CW-only transceiver (think: forty-9er or Pixie). Looking at the schematics of various such transceivers, they basically 'key down' ...
Bitbang3r's user avatar
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Listening below the carrier frequency gives a weaker signal than above the carrier frequency - why?

I have a 20m CW transceiver with an option for a wide or a narrow filter. When the narrow filter is selected, a crystal ladder filter is used in the intermediate frequency filter, between two mixers. ...
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