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2 votes
2 answers

Type of Ground Wire for an AM Crystal Radio - I'm using a longwire antenna

I have way too many choices for ground wire. I am using a crystal radio so I need the BEST not just what will 'get by'. I've seen solid copper 10gauge, aluminum wire etc. I've also seen wide ...
randy k's user avatar
  • 21
5 votes
1 answer

Building a crystal radio with my brother. How does this circuit work?

I'll be visiting home soon after school lets out, and I want to build an AM crystal radio with my little brother. This is the design we'll use: I'll be doing my ...
BitPusher16's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

feasibility of wireless passive crystal earphones

I just learnt about such a thing as a crystal radio receiver and the following idea came to my mind. I have no background knowledge on electronics nor anything related. What if battery-less earbuds ...
user2464424's user avatar