I'd like to add a band-pass filter to my Baofeng UV-82 to make it comply with the spurious emissions requirements. Ideally it would be a rigid device with SMA or BNC connectors that would fit between the radio and the antenna.
I'm open to building my own, but it would have to be a foolproof design because I don't have the test equipment to verify it. Buying one is also an option as long as the price is reasonable.
You can see how bad the emissions are in this video that I found: https://youtu.be/mLjc3-gSU-M?t=6m14s When transmitting on 145 MHz, there are strong signals from 35 MHz up to 1.025 GHz.
What can you recommend? (Besides the obvious "buy a better radio" suggestion. I don't have the budget for that.)