I've found an old antenna that once came with an HP laptop with a TV (DVB-T?) card. I decided to see if I can use that antenna for something else, so I opened it up and found the following antenna design. However, I have not seen this before, so I'm curious to know:
- What is this antenna design?
- Is it possible to determine an approximate usable frequency range?
The element measurements are as follows:
- The ground "clip" length is 5 cm.
- The ground clip width is 2 mm.
- The driven thin spacers leads are 2 mm in length.
- The wide elements are all 8.3 mm in length
- The wide elements are of the following widths (mm):
1.6, 7.2, 8.3, 10.1, 11.1, 12.5, 13.1, 14.0, 15.2
The HP part numbers for this is:
HP P/N: 411352-003
HP Spare: 412176-003
And it look like this in its original state:
EDIT: This seem a bit similar to the antenna designs of Resonant Rectangular Series-Fed Patch Array and the Traveling Series-Fed Patch Array, also described a bit in this paper.