Using a dual band "rubber duck" like the stock Baofeng antenna and/or the physically longer NA-771, which band will give the best results between two mountain tops given the same input power?
Stereotypically the 2m VHF frequencies are considered to "reach" a little further due to their lower frequency and increased radio horizon. But I'm wondering if a dual-band antenna would actually give higher gain on the 70cm UHF band?
Does a rubber duck achieve a good match on its second harmonic via a trap, i.e. using only half the antenna to radiate on 70cm? In that case maybe both bands end up with a physically short antenna and would probably have similar inefficiencies.
But if some other technique is used perhaps the antenna ends up being less "compromised" on the 70cm band versus the 2m band — either more efficient radiation and/or a better takeoff pattern?