Short answer: Math says max link rate is 2Mb/s if you knew the perfect channel coding. Which is still an unsolved puzzle.
Long answer:
You're calculating a link rate. That is fine, and can be answered using Shannon's Channel Capacity, which gives us the upper limit for bits per second that we can get across a given channel:
$$ C= b\cdot \log_2\left(1+ \frac SN\right)$$
with $b$ being the channel bandwidth, $S$ the signal energy and $N$ the noise power.
This is a upper limit. It's a mathematically proven limit. Over a bandwidth-limited channel with a given SNR, you cannot get more bits per second reliably. There's no technical way around that limit.
Now, you didn't mention $b$ at all. But that doesn't matter, we'll just calculate a "per Hertz of bandwidth" rate, and you can multiply that with the bandwidth of your transceiver.
Now, $S$ is only partly specified – you said what your transmit power $P$ was, and thus, we'll simply apply free space path loss to that (which simply is "since the sphere on which we distribute the energy grows, by how does the field strength go down?"). This incorporates the surface of a sphere, divided by the wavelength:
A_\text{free space} &= \left(\frac{4\pi d}\lambda \right)^2\\
&=\left(\frac{4\pi dc_0}f\right)^2\\
&=\frac{16\pi^2 d^2 f^2}{c_0^2}\\
&\approx\frac{160\,\cdot \,4^2\cdot10^{16}\,\text{m}^2\,\cdot\,4.33^2\cdot10^{12} \frac1{\text{s}^2}}{9\cdot 10^{18}\frac{\text{m}^2}{\text{s}^2}}\\
&\approx\frac{48000\cdot10^{16}\,\cdot10^{12}}{9\cdot 10^{18}}\\
&=\frac{48}9 10^{13}\\
&\approx 5 \cdot 10^{13}\\
&\approx 136\,\text{dB}
So $S\approx \frac{1\,\text W}{5 \cdot 10^{13}} = 2 \cdot10^{-14}\,\text W$.
So, what is your noise power? We don't know, since we don't know your receiver!
Now, let's assume you operate that receiver at room temperature.
That means you get -174 dBm/Hz of spectral noise power density. Ok, that means your
$$\frac SN = \frac{-136\,\text{dBW}}{-204\frac{\text{dBW}}{\text{Hz}}\cdot b}= \frac{\text{Hz}}b \cdot 68\,\text{dB}\approx \frac{\text{Hz}}b \cdot 6.3\,\text{MHz}$$
(ignoring Noise Figure For NowTM)
When $\frac SN$ is smaller than 1, the argument of the logarithm becomes roughly 1, and $\log 1=0$, so you can basically get nothing across. So we must postulate:
\frac{\text{Hz}}b &< (68-\text{NF}_\text{dB})\,\text{dB}
Since the logarithm falls slower than $b$ rises, you'll get the best result with a $b_\text{dBHz}\lim (68-\text{NF}_\text{dB})$; assuming a Noise Figure of 5 dB, a 63 dBHz = 2 MHz channel leads to maximized $C$:
$$C_{max} \approx 2\,\text{MHz}\log_2\left(1+3.15\right)\approx 2\log_2(4.15)\frac{\text{Mb}}{\text s} \approx 4\frac{\text{Mb}}{\text s}$$.
You cannot get that with On-Off-keying; you need at least 2 bits per Hz. So the "lowest" modulation that might be able to fulfill this purpose would be QPSK, if zero-roll-off channel filters existed. So you'd probably settle for something like 8-PSK with a whole metric effton of channel coding/error correction on top, to get even close to that. You'll probably be happy if you get a single megabit per second.