Please forgive the naive question, as I've been away from the hobby for too long, but want to make sure I do this right.
We just added an addition to our house, and I lost my usual mounting place for my X200a. I've never had this antenna mast connected to a ground rod for lightning protection before, but I'm wondering if in this new location, I should...
I'm wondering this because of a few reasons:
The X200a will be several feet lower than it was before (rather than at the apex of my roof, it will be at the bottom of the soffit line right by the gutter, mounted off of a satellite radio mast).
I'm in a very suburban area, near a water tower, and another ham down the street who has many more antennas on his roof, much higher than mine.
Aside from #1 above (below the apex of the roof), we have several trees on our property which are 30-50 feet taller than the house. Yes, trees are not made of a conductive material, I understand that. Just another point of emphasis.
Yes, I know, lightning can strike anywhere and the "you should always ground everything to multiple ground stakes," etc., but I'm hoping for a productive, realistic answer from here as opposed to what I'd get on other ham forums.
Given the above - does the X200a really need to be grounded for lightning protection?
This is a duplicate question of...
No, it's not a duplicate. I've looked. I know how to properly ground my equipment. I'm asking if and why I should ground my equipment given the above conditions.