Let's say there is a reception antenna connected to a detection system with a coax, and a transmitter sends a plane wave. What happens is that the antenna gets a certain power, following the [Schelkunoff and Friis. Antenna theory and practice 1952] or [Papas. Theory of electromagnetic wave propagation], the absorbed power will be \begin{equation} P_{abs} = \frac{\lambda^2} {4\pi} g(\theta_0, \phi_0) S^{inc}(\theta_0, \phi_0) |\vec{p}_{rec}\cdot \vec{p}_{inc}|^2 \end{equation}
Where $\theta_0$ and $\phi_0$ are angles from where the plane wave was emitted. $S^{inc}$ is incident pointing vector and $\vec{p}$ - are polarization vectors of incident wave and a receiver, and g is the gain of the receiver.
So the point is: what is the amplitude of a received signal (=travelling wave) at a coax connected to the antenna (current or voltage)? Is it as following:
$$\frac{I_0^2Z} {2} = P_{abs} $$
Where Z is 50 Ohms (if the coax has 50 Ohms impedance), and the current is $$ I =I_0 sin(\omega t)$$