Imagine that someone has built a 4 element horizontal yagi antenna for 28 MHz with elements insulated from the boom, and with the driven element not split in the middle and using a gamma match to set the feed point impedance to 50 ohms.
Then, assuming a non-metallic mounting pole, if vertical elements were added which are identical in length and spacing and then joined exactly in the middle to the middles of the horizontal elements so the result is an antenna that looks like 4 plus s (+s) in a row, and keeping just the one gamma match on the horizontal driven element, is the following true ?
The feed point impedance of the antenna will now be about 25 ohms.
The same gamma match can be used to adjust the impedance back up to 50 ohms.
The antenna will now be both horizontally and vertically polarized.
For transmit, half the applied power will be radiated by each of the two driven elements.
The radiation pattern will be the same in the plane of each set of elements.
Will this antenna give any advantages over a standard yagi with one set of elements ?