I've been looking at options for a high-gain directional antenna recently, and I've noted that there are commercially available parabolic antennae for the shorter bands -- specifically 70 cm, with an antenna that probably doubles as a UHF OTA television receiving antenna. The size of these antennae, however, not much bigger than the microwave dishes used for satellite TV, makes me suspicious of their effectiveness.
It's my understanding that a Yagi-Uda can pretty readily exceed a gain of 10 dBi in its forward lobe; I've seen commercial ones advertised at 13 dBi. Even the seller's rating of these very small parabolics barely exceeds that figure, if at all, but can a parabolic antenna in the 440 band of manageable size (say, no more than 2 meters in any dimension) give enough additional forward gain to be worth the extra cost to purchase or effort to build?