I'm currently experiencing what I think is induced coupling on my ground line. Can someone explain how this is possible?
I live on the third floor of an apartment block and my only grounding option is currently the third prong of an ac outlet. I was under the impression that any low freq noise on the ground line would dissipate into the earth, however this is not what I'm experiencing. Any idea why?
I'm thinking perhaps there is some resistance on the ground-line and some rf and ac is taking a shorter path to my shack, instead of taking the longer route to the utility ground. I think this is happening because my apartment building doesn't have a ground rod in place and relies on the the utility companies ground, which is earthed who knows where.
I have an amp connected to my receiving radio and the utility ground I'm using at the moment is creating audible hum. I figure if I can use a quieter ground then this will improve the fidelity of any audio I want to amplify. Most of the interference is at 50hz (UK), which I guess is being conducted on the ground-line from my some of my neighbors apartments, although there's a lot from various other frequencies too. I plan on using some grounded coaxial cable connected to a rod outside with the intention of shielding any rf's from my hopefully quiet ground.