I'm sorry to say that's not a simple log-periodic antenna, it's a hybrid monstrosity to meet some particular need.
Guessing from the element lengths:
- 136 cm each side would work at about 50 MHz, so low-band TV. Two-element log-P with a reflector. OK.
- 12 cm each side would work at about 550 MHz, so mid UHF TV. Some sort of Yagi
- 15 cm total would be a director for about 900 MHz, so the top end of UHF TV.
It doesn't seem to cover the VHF ham band, and it probably only starts working above the 440 MHz ham band.
You could probably re-use the mounting and feed hardware, cut the feed down to work at 145 MHz, and then install new directors to give it some gain. But you are basically building a new yagi, and with very non-ideal director spacing.
If you need a directional antenna (for satellites?) rather build a new yagi from scratch. You can make a nice one in a few hours with some bits of brazing rod and a broomstick.